2012年6月12日 星期二

第400章 《噪音管制條例》 Chapter 400 Noise Control Ordinance - 住用處所及公眾地方發出的噪音(第4及5條)

噪音的管理 - 《噪音管制條例》








環境保護署 - 常見問題
  1. 香港如何管制住用處所裝修工程發出的噪音?













律政司 - 雙語法例資料系統

第400章 《噪音管制條例》




第400章 第4條 夜間或公眾假日的噪音

第400章 第5條 任何時間的噪音

第400章 第13條 消減噪音通知書

第400章 《噪音管制條例》 


章:400 PDF標題:《噪音管制條例》憲報編號:L.N. 130 of 2007


“上訴委員會”(Appeal Board) 指根據第21條組成的上訴委員會;
“公眾地方”(public place)─
      (a) 包括公眾可不分時段或分時段進入的碼頭、大道、街、路、里、巷、短巷、坊、水道、海灘、通道、小徑、通路、公園、郊野公園、公眾花園及任何其他地方,不論此等地方是否屬於政府或私人的財產; (由1998年第29號第105條修訂)
      (b) 不包括任何為作以下用途而經營或使用的地方─
        (i) 任何形式的生意、業務、商務、技藝、專業、職業或為牟利而進行的其他活動;
        (ii) 任何形式的會社,而其成立目的是為向社員提供社交或康樂設施的;或
        (iii) 《公眾娛樂場所條例》(第172章)第2條所界定的任何公眾娛樂;
“主席”(Chairman) 指根據第20(2)條委任為上訴委員會主席的人;
“打樁工程”(piling) 指任何以錘打、壓落、螺旋磨轉、螺旋挖鑽、鑽孔、噴射、振動、灌注或任何其他方式將樁沉埋或在地裡形成樁的工程,或任何與此等工程有關的工程;同時亦指為作基礎用途而將任何套管或管打進或沉埋地裡(無論該套管或管其後是否取出)以形成豎坑或沉箱的工程;
“地方”(place) 指任何地方,不論該地方是在陸上或水上;
“住用處所”(domestic premises)指─
      (a) 全部或主要作居住用途,並且作為獨立住戶單位的任何處所;及
      (b) 由酒店或公寓管理人租予客人的任何酒店或公寓部分;
“局長”(Secretary) 指環境局局長; (由1999年第78號第7條增補。由2002年第106號法律公告修訂;由2007年第130號法律公告修訂)
“車輛”(vehicle) 的涵義與《道路交通條例》(第374章)中該詞的涵義相同; (由1996年第61號第2條增補)
“指定範圍”(designated area) 指根據第8A條設立的範圍; (由1994年第2號第2條增補)
“建築工程”(construction work) 包括─
      (a) 任何建築、拆卸、重建、支撐、改建、維修或修葺整個或部分建築物、拱形結構、橋樑、煙囱、船塢、圍板、遮蔽處、隧道、牆壁、碼頭、貨運碼頭或其他建造物、或任何路、斜坡、堤、街、鐵路、軌道、機場、水道或溝渠、排水渠、供維修用通道、污水渠、引水道、照明設備或公共設施的工程,或與此等工程有關的任何工程;
      (b) 任何從土地挖取任何物體的工程或與此有關的任何工程;
      (c) 任何在前濱及海床進行的填海工程,或與此有關的任何工程;
      (d) 浚挖或任何與浚挖有關的工程;
      (e) 打樁工程或任何與打樁工程有關的工程;
      (f) 任何為預備進行(a)、(b)、(c)、(d)或(e)段所提述類型的操作而涉及的工程;及
      (g) 為進行(a)、(b)、(c)、(d)、(e)或(f)段所提述的任何操作,或因與該等操作有關而使用機械、裝備、工具、用具及材料;
“建築地盤”(construction site) 指進行建築工程的地方;
“建築噪音許可證”(construction noise permit) 指根據第8(1)條發出的建築噪音許可證;
“侵擾者”(intruder) 就侵擾者警報系統而言,指任何未獲許可而干擾任何處所或車輛的人,而該處所或車輛是受該侵擾者警報系統保護,不論該次干擾是蓄意的或非蓄意的; (由1996年第61號第2條增補)
“侵擾者警報系統”(intruder alarm system) 就第13A及13B條而言,指一個藉發出由侵擾者觸發的可聽信號以作有侵擾者的警告的警報系統; (由1996年第61號第2條增補)
“登記車主”(registered owner) 的涵義與《道路交通條例》(第374章)中該詞的涵義相同; (由1996年第61號第2條增補)
“煩擾”(annoyance) 指合理的人不會容忍的煩擾;
“監督”(Authority) 指根據第3(1)條委任的噪音管制監督;
“樁”(pile) 指任何打進地裡或在地裡形成的板、柱、小柱、管或沉箱,亦指任何稱為“壓落樁”、“螺旋磨轉樁”、“就地灌注樁”、“混成樁”、“砂樁”、“板樁”、“鑽孔樁”、“沉箱樁”及任何其他形式的樁;
“撞擊式打樁工程”(percussive piling) 指用直接或間接錘打或其他撞擊方式將樁沉埋或打進地裡的打樁工程,包括使用吊錘、柴油錘、雙動錘、單動錘、內部吊錘、氣壓錘、蒸汽錘或其他撞擊裝置進行的打樁工程,該等其他撞擊裝置不包括便攜式的和在設計上不必其他形式支撐而能手提操作的撞擊裝置;
“機動設備”(powered mechanical equipment) 指任何以電能、化學能或熱能推動的機器或裝置,包括由壓縮空氣、蒸氣或液壓傳送能量,以產生機械動作為主要作用的機器或裝置;
“職能”(functions) 包括權力及職責。

章: 400 PDF 標題: 《噪音管制條例》 憲報編號:
條: 4 條文標題: 夜間或公眾假日的噪音 版本日期: 30/06/1997


(1) 任何人於下午11時至翌日上午7時,或於公眾假日的任何時間,在住用處所或公眾地方發出或促使發出噪音,而該噪音對任何人而言是其煩擾的根源,即屬犯罪。
(2) 任何住用處所的業主、租戶、佔用人或掌管人,於下午11時至翌日上午7時,或於公眾假日的任何時間,明知而准許或任由噪音由該住用處所發,而該噪音對任何人而言是其煩擾的根源,即屬犯罪。
(3) 任何人犯本條所訂的罪行,可處罰款$10000 (1994年第2號第9條修訂)

章: 400 PDF 標題: 《噪音管制條例》 憲報編號:
條: 5 條文標題: 任何時間的噪音 版本日期: 30/06/1997

(1) 任何人於任何時間,在住用處所或公眾地方因進行以下活動而發出噪,而該噪音對任何人而言是其煩擾的根源,即屬犯罪
    (a) 奏玩或操作任何樂器或其他器具,包括唱機、錄音機收音機或電視機;
    (b) 使用揚聲器、傳聲筒或其他擴音裝置或器具;
    (c) 進行任何遊戲或消遣活動;或
    (d) 經營生意或業務。
(2) 任何人於任何時間,在住用處所內操作,或促使或准許操作,任何空氣調節或通風系統、或空氣調節或通風系統的任何部分,而發出的噪音對任何人而言是其煩擾的根源,即屬犯罪。
(3) 任何人於任何時間,在住用處所或公眾地方畜養動物或雀鳥,而該動物或雀鳥發出的噪音對任何人而言是其煩擾的根源,即屬犯罪。
(4) 任何人於任何時間,在任何公眾地方之內或附近,為吸引他人注意其貨物、商品或生意而發出噪音,而該噪音對任何人而言是其煩擾的根源,即屬犯罪。
(5) 任何人犯本條所訂的罪行,可處罰款$10000 (1994年第2號第9條修訂)


Department of Justice Bilingual Laws Information System

Chapter 400 Noise Control Ordinance




Chapter 400 Noise Control Ordinance

Cap 400 s 4 Noise at night or on a general holiday

Cap 400 s 5 Noise at any time



Chapter:400Title:NOISE CONTROL ORDINANCEGazette Number:L.N. 130 of 2007
Section:2Heading:InterpretationVersion Date:01/07/2007


    For the saving and transitional provisions relating to the amendments made by the Resolution of the Legislative Council (L.N. 130 of 2007), see paragraph (12) of that Resolution.

In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires-
"annoyance" (煩擾means annoyance that would not be tolerated by a reasonable person;
"Appeal Board" (上訴委員會means the Appeal Board constituted under section 21;
"Authority" (監督means the Noise Control Authority appointed under section 3(1);
"Chairman" (主席means the person appointed as Chairman of the Appeal Board under section 20(2);
"construction noise permit" (建築噪音許可證means a construction noise permit issued under section 8(1);
"construction site" (建築地盤means a place where construction work is carried out;
"construction work" (建築工程includes-
      (a) any work in connection with or for the construction, demolition, reconstruction, shoring, alteration, maintenance or repair, of the whole or any part of any building, arch, bridge, chimney, dock, hoarding, shelter, tunnel, wall, pier, wharf or other structure or any road, slope, embankment, street, railway, tramway, airport, channel, drain, service lane, sewer, water conduit, lighting or public utility;
      (b) any work in connection with or for the extraction from the earth of any matter whatsoever;
      (c) any work in connection with or for the reclamation of any foreshore and sea-bed;
      (d) dredging or any work in connection with dredging;
      (e) piling or any work in connection with piling;
      (f) any work involved in preparing for any operation of the type referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e); and
      (g) the use of machinery, plant, tools, gear and materials in connection with or for any operation referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f);
"designated area" (指定範圍means an area established under section 8A; (Added 2 of 1994 s. 2)
"domestic premises" (住用處所means-
      (a) any premises used wholly or mainly for residential purposes and constituting a separate household unit; and
      (b) any part of a hotel or boarding-house that is let by the keeper of the hotel or boarding-house to a guest;
"functions" (職能includes powers and duties;
"intruder" (侵擾者), in relation to an intruder alarm system, means any unauthorized person who interferes with any premises or vehicle in respect of which the intruder alarm system is deployed to protect, whether such interference is intentional or unintentional; (Added 61 of 1996 s. 2)
"intruder alarm system" (侵擾者警報系統), in relation to sections 13A and 13B, means an alarm system the purpose of which is to warn of the presence of an intruder by the emission of an audible signal activated by that intruder; (Added 61 of 1996 s. 2)
"percussive piling" (撞擊式打樁工程means piling by sinking or driving a pile by direct or indirect hammering or other percussive means, including piling by the use of a drop hammer, diesel hammer, double acting hammer, single acting hammer, internal drop hammer, pneumatic hammer, steam hammer or other percussive device, other than a device that is portable and designed for operation while held by hand without any other form of support;
"pile" (means any sheet, column, post, tube or caisson driven or formed in the ground and also means any pile known as a "jacked pile", "screw pile", "cast-in-place pile", "composite pile", "sand pile", "sheet pile", "bored pile", "caisson pile", and any other form of pile;
"piling" (打樁工程means any work in connection with or for the sinking or forming of a pile in the ground by hammering, jacking, screwing, augering, boring, jetting, vibrating, casting or any other means and also means the driving or sinking of any casing or tube into the ground to form a well or caisson for foundation purposes, whether or not the casing or tube is later extracted;
"place" (地方means any place whether on land or water;
"powered mechanical equipment" (機動設備means any machine or device driven by electrical, chemical or thermal energy including energy transmitted by compressed air, steam, or hydraulic means a principal function of which is to produce mechanical movement;
"public place" (公眾地方)-
      (a) includes all piers, thoroughfares, streets, roads, lanes, alleys, courts, squares, waterways, beaches, passages, paths, ways, parks, country parks, public gardens and any other place to which the public have access either continuously or periodically, whether the same are the property of the Government or of private persons; (Amended 29 of 1998 s. 105)
      (b) does not include any place kept or used for the purpose of-
        (i) any form of trade, business, commerce, craftsmanship, profession, calling or other activity carried on for the purpose of gain;
        (ii) any form of association of persons established for the purpose of affording the members of that association facilities for social intercourse or recreation; or
        (iii) any public entertainment as defined by section 2 of the Places of Public Entertainment Ordinance (Cap 172);
"registered owner" (登記車主has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374); (Added 61 of 1996 s. 2)
"Secretary" (局長means the Secretary for the Environment; (Replaced 78 of 1999 s. 7. Amended L.N. 106 of 2002; L.N. 130 of 2007)
"vehicle" (車輛has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374). (Added 61 of 1996 s. 2)
(Enacted 1988)

Chapter: 400 PDF Title: NOISE CONTROL ORDINANCE Gazette Number:
Section: 4 Heading: Noise at night or on a general holiday Version Date: 30/06/1997

Noise from Domestic Premises and Public Places

(1) Any person who between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., or at any time on a general holiday in any domestic premises or public place makes or causes to be made any noise which is a source of annoyance to any person commits an offence.
(2) Any person being the owner, tenant, occupier or person in charge of any domestic premises who between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., or at any time on a general holiday knowingly permits or suffers noise which is a source of annoyance to any person to emanate from those domestic premises commits an offence.
(3) Any person who commits an offence under this section shall be liable to a fine of $10000. (Amended 2 of 1994 s. 9)
(Enacted 1988)

Chapter: 400 PDF Title: NOISE CONTROL ORDINANCE Gazette Number:
Section: 5 Heading: Noise at any time Version Date: 30/06/1997

(1) Any person who at any time in any domestic premises or public place-
    (a) plays or operates any musical or other instrument, including any record or cassette player or radio or television apparatus;
    (b) uses any loud-speaker, megaphone, or other device or instrument for magnifying sound;
    (c) plays any game or engages in any pastime; or
    (d) carries on a trade or business,
the noise of which is a source of annoyance to any person commits an offence.
(2) Any person who at any time in any domestic premises operates, or causes or permits to be operated, any air-conditioning or ventilating system or part thereof, the noise of which is a source of annoyance to any person commits an offence.
(3) Any person who at any time in any domestic premises or public place keeps any animal or bird that makes any noise which is a source of annoyance to any person commits an offence.
(4) Any person who at any time in or near any public place, for the purpose of attracting attention to his goods, wares or trade, makes any noise which is a source of annoyance to any person commits an offence.
(5) Any person who commits an offence under this section shall be liable to a fine of $10000. (Amended 2 of 1994 s. 9)
(Enacted 1988)


