2015年12月26日 星期六

本網誌於2015年12月25日 (4年零1個月) 突破300,000(30萬)網頁瀏覽次數

2015年12月25日,本網誌 (http://rogerkungpublic.blogspot.hk) 突破300,000網頁瀏覽次數。由2011年11月26日開站至今4年零1個月,承蒙各位支持,本網誌突破30萬網頁瀏覽次數。同時,本網誌由2015年12月10日至2015年12月25日的1個月(16日)內額外增加10,000網頁瀏覽次數,即由290,000增加至300,000網頁瀏覽次數。

另外,上個月 (2015年11月26日至2015年12月25日) 的網頁瀏覽數次數為19,178。其中,Windows造訪的網頁瀏覽次數佔 7223 (37%),Android佔 6883 (35%),iPhone佔 3414 (17%),iPad佔 429 (2%)。另外,Internet Explorer佔 1015 (5%), Firfox佔 1564 (8%), Chrome佔 10604 (55%), Safari 3610 (18%)。


本網誌於2015年12月10日 (4年零1個月) 突破290,000(29萬)網頁瀏覽次數

2015年12月10日,本網誌 (http://rogerkungpublic.blogspot.hk) 突破290,000網頁瀏覽次數。由2011年11月26日開站至今4年零1個月,承蒙各位支持,本網誌突破29萬網頁瀏覽次數。同時,本網誌由2015年11月24日至2015年12月10日的1個月(17日)內額外增加10,000網頁瀏覽次數,即由290,000增加至300,000網頁瀏覽次數。


2015年12月12日「第50屆工展會-文藝薈萃匯演 遊藝工展 精彩全城」- 開幕禮暨綜合匯演 (香港維園)


2015年12月12日至2016年1月4日 - 第50屆工展會 (香港維園)

日  期:   2015年12月12日至2016年1月4日 (展期為24天)

開放時間: 星期一至星期日


地  點:   香港銅鑼灣維多利亞公園

入場費用 港幣$10

查詢電話: (852) 3421 2012

(以下圖片:Roger Kung 版權所有,轉載請列明出處。)

6個窗口中只有3個窗口售票 (1,6號窗被屏蔽)

(圖片:Roger Kung 版權所有,轉載請列明出處。)


展覽資訊 - 重點節目



「情牽一線 恆愛行動2015-16」―啟動禮
由紫荊社及春蕾計劃基金聯合主辦的「情牽一線 恆愛行動2015-16」啟動禮將邀請本年度的恆愛行動大使袁潔儀,聯同政經界名人,呼籲愛心人士關心弱勢社群,為內地及本港兩地貧困兒童編織毛衣及頸巾。
「第50屆工展會-文藝薈萃匯演 遊藝工展 精彩全城」-開幕禮暨綜合匯演
普出精彩大舞台由廠商會與香港電台普通話台「普出校園精彩」合辦的特備節目,主持孟繁旭、閆擎及劉焯文,將聯同嘉賓藝人張惠雅及女子組合As One,進行才藝表演及唱歌助慶,並與現場觀眾大玩遊戲。

工展50展繽紛 時光穿梭頌經典由廠商會主辦及雷霆881商業1台協辦的特備節目,著名DJ 余宜發將聯同歌星方皓玟、張惠雅、何弘軒及謝偉倫與現場觀眾大玩遊戲及送出豐富禮物,並獻唱名曲。
工展50展繽紛 聖誕獻禮
由廠商會主辦及雷霆881商業1台協辦的特備節目,著名DJ 楊美琪將聯同歌手王灝兒、男子組合天堂鳥及野佬於聖誕拆禮物日,以遊戲形式與現場觀眾大玩遊戲,送出豐富禮物並獻唱名曲。

12:00 nn -1:30pm

新城勁爆新登場歌手謝票活動2015由廠商會主辦及新城知訊台協辦的特備節目,由新城勁爆頒獎禮獲獎的樂壇新人聯同著名DJ 思敏及林柏希,為現場觀眾演繹歌曲及大玩遊戲。


2015年12月12日「第50屆工展會-文藝薈萃匯演 遊藝工展 精彩全城」- 開幕禮暨綜合匯演

(以下圖片:Roger Kung 版權所有,轉載請列明出處。)

(圖片:Roger Kung 版權所有,轉載請列明出處。)


2015年12月25日 星期五

香港北區花鳥蟲魚展覽會2015 - 展覽日期及時間





2015年12月23日 下午1時至6時

2015年12月24至27日 上午9時30分至下午6時

2015年12月28日 上午9時30分至下午5時


「北區花鳥蟲魚展覽會為一註冊慈善團體,過去30多年來,在不牟利之前提下舉辦展覽活動,除推動保護環境生態,亦讓市民從栽花植木、養魚觀鳥中學習養生減壓之道,是一項老少咸宜的合家歡節目,每年前來參觀的市民及遊客數以萬計,去年入場觀眾便超過24萬人次。 30多年來,我們與時並進,由1976的「北區花卉展覽會」演變為今天的「北區花鳥 蟲魚展覽會」,由單純的花卉展覽到概括了大自然的大多數物種的花、鳥、蟲、魚展覽;從只在北區展出到被邀請到香港區及禮賓府展出,更兩度受澳門蘭花博覽邀 請到當地展出,「北區花鳥蟲魚展覽」已從一個地區性社區活動發展至現在的全港性年度盛事。更重要的是,我們希望透過展覽和不同類型比賽,如學界繪畫比賽、 環保栽種比賽、攝影比賽等,都是以潛移默化的方法,教育市民愛護環境,重視生命。 展覽會得以成為長壽項目,全賴一眾成員無私貢獻,借出珍品,提供專業意見和寶貴的私人時間協助籌措策劃,方能為市民成就這個精彩的聖誕假期好去處。」

Source: 北區花鳥蟲魚展覽會 網頁 (http://www.ndfbifshow.org/)


2015年12月18日 星期五



2015年深圳各大公園、全年四個季節花展 - 賞花看花拍花無保留分享牛貼























本帖於2015-02-05 11:32 被樓主編輯過


2015年11月26日 星期四

本網誌於2015年11月24日 (將近4年) 突破280,000(28萬)網頁瀏覽次數

2015年11月24日,本網誌 (http://rogerkungpublic.blogspot.hk) 突破280,000網頁瀏覽次數。由2011年11月26日開站至今將近4年,承蒙各位支持,本網誌突破28萬網頁瀏覽次數。同時,本網誌由2015年11月5日至2015年11月24日的1個月(20日)內額外增加10,000網頁瀏覽次數,即由270,000增加至280,000網頁瀏覽次數。

另外,上個月 (2015年10月27日至2015年11月25日) 的網頁瀏覽數次數為15,880。其中,Windows造訪的網頁瀏覽次數佔 5617 (35%),Android佔 5927 (37%),iPhone佔 2887 (18%),iPad佔 408 (2%)。另外,Internet Explorer佔 436 (2%), Firfox佔 1193 (7%), Chrome佔 9065 (57%), Safari (19%)。


2015年11月6日 星期五

新手買左Hemat卡 (藍色) + 如何開卡 / 7-Connect / 上網通 (3G流動上網 / 電話卡/ 儲值卡 / SIM卡)

新手買左Hemat卡 (藍色) + 如何開卡 + 可轉細卡(有相) - Other Phone - 電腦領域 HKEPC Hardware - 全港 No.1 PC討論區 - Powered by Discuz!

發表於 2015-10-22 04:03

1. 買左Hemat卡, 記住張卡插左入電話後, 唔好打電話, 打179179 開張卡 (開卡日期: 2015年10月22日)
SMS1 --> 電話號碼+  到期日: 2016年1月20日

2. *109# 查詢儲值餘額同Expire Date
SMS2 --> 電話號碼+ 儲值餘額: $38 +卡到期日(90天): 2016年1月20日

3. *111# 重設密碼, 去到 網頁https://prepaid.hkcsl.com/login 登入
SMS3 --> 密碼: 123456

4. 等一個鍾後收到 SMS話會有每月200分鐘通話送 及 1GB data.
SMS4 --> 每月200分鐘通話送 + 1GB data

5. 可以打*101#查用量
SMS5 --> 每月200分鐘通話送 + 分鐘到日期: 2015年11月20日
SMS6 --> 免費1GB data + 到日期: 2016年4月18日

開卡日期: 2015年10月22日
卡到期日(90天): 2016年1月20日
免費200分鐘到日期(30天): 2015年11月20日
免費1GB日期(180天): 2016年4月18日

6. 用完免費1GB後, 增值 或 使用 Package: Monthly $38-1GB -> Press *101*612# 



*109* 12位增值 #
*101*420#      $98 /30日   ($98 monthly data package Internet Buffet)
*101*612#      $38/1gb   (Package: Monthly $38-1GB)
*101*418#      $88/4gb
*101*832*2#  $8/1hr          7.2mbps
                 *3     $28/1日
                 *4     $78/1星期
*101#420#   cancel plan
*101# 查詢Data Package&Voice Package餘量
*109# 查詢儲值餘額同Expire Date
#109# 客戶服務菜單,在這裡面可以查詢Data Package價格并開通


Refill Voucher   ($20 / $50 / $100)

1. Please do not purchase if seal is broken.
2. Refill Voucher must be used before the expiration date, if not, it will be forfeited.
3. After recharging, the remaining value of the stored pulses will be extended compatible with the applicable time your prepaid SIM card. Please see Packaging Card for further information.
4. Once purchased, Refill Voucher can not be exchanged under any circumstances.

(圖片:Roger Kung 版權所有,轉載請列明出處。)


發表於 2015-12-2 22:32

Hemat 卡怎樣轉錢?

1) sms ENQ HKD to 5036720 (activate the credit transfer)

2) *101*12345678*10#  (send $10 HKD to phone # 12345678)
or *101*12345678*20#  (send $20 HKD to phone # 12345678)

You can send only $10 or $20.


發表於 2015-3-17 17:58

Hemat 卡 如何轉錢

1。        報名方式:
一。        寫短信,然後鍵入REG *密碼(6位數字)。
B。        將它發送到無。 5036720,那麼你將收到註冊確認。

2。        通過使用預付費SIM卡“保存CSL”餘額轉移到香港的朋友
一。        寫短信,然後鍵入SEND * HKD *手機號碼接收*密碼
我。        HKD 提供2個單位,HKD10 HKD20和。
II。        例如:SEND * HKD10 * 91234567 * 123456
B。        將它發送到無。 5036720 >>雙方將收到確認。

3。        有關結餘轉戶服務的最新匯率的更多信息:
一。        寫短信,然後鍵入ENQ常見問題。
我。        ENQ S代表關於學分轉移到印尼的詳細信息。
II。        ENQ MYR了解有關學分轉移到馬來西亞的詳細信息。
III。        ENQ HKD了解有關學分轉移到各位用戶的one2free simPATI康恩在香港的詳細信息。
B。        發送到5036720。


發表於 2015-9-22 22:22

多餘Hemat balance, 點用好?

增值50, data就可以續命三個月


即係  原本的$38實價, 充$50 等如 實38+實50+虛15.
實88+虛15, 轉錢只能轉走實價但又要保留$10以上的實價。
所以只能轉走$70, 變成 實$18+虛$15 = 賬面$32.2  (4次轉錢手續費每次2毫)

$32.2 又開唔到$38plan.


剛買左Hemat 卡

深水埗福 華街123號 美華大廈 / 印尼鋪

深水埗 大南街 256-258號 / 印印店


Mobile Phone Direct Selling Centre

地址:新界 荃灣 路德圍 登發街4-6號地下 H1號舖
Address: Shop H1, 4-6 Dung Fat Street, 46-58 Lo Tak Court, Tsuen Wan, N.T.
電話 Tel: 2851 3456

地址:香港島 銅鑼灣 糖街2-8號 樂聲大廈 21A及21B號舖
Address: Shop 21A &21B, Lok Shing Centre, 2-8 Sugar Street, Causeway Bay, H.K.
電話 Tel: 2851 3456

香港島 中環 德輔道中21-23號 歐陸貿易中心地下Z2店
Shop Z2, GF, Euro Trade Centre, 21-23 Des Voeux Road Central, H.K.

Hotline Telephone Number: 179 179


CSL - Hemat卡

Internet data packets ~
Enjoy the Internet with regular and cost-effective monthly package!
Internet PackageSuitable forFareValidity periodRation DataCode ListCheck Status Package
Volume-based packet iEmail, chat, surfing (browsing) Internet, Upload Photos$ 3830 days500MB + 500MB BONUS* 101 * 612 #* 101 #
$ 882GB + 2GB BONUS* 101 * 418 #
Ii unlimited packageDownload or stream music / video$ 81 hourUnlimited* 101 * 832 * 2 #
$ 281 dayUnlimited* 101 * 832 * 3 #
$ 787 daysUnlimited* 101 * 832 * 4 #
$ 9830 daysUnlimited* 101 * 420 #
Iii 4G PackageLTE-A 300 Mbps *$ 21630 days1 GB* 101 * 300 * 1 #
$ 287 daysAdditional package ^ 200MB only

^ Active registration is required in the 4G Package $ 216 1GB / 30-day
* 101 * 300 * 2 #

i Terms & Conditions for Volume-Based Package

  1. The highest speed of uploading and downloading of data 384 Kbps. Speeds experienced will actually be less than the theoretical speed obtained on the network and can vary due to the condition of the internet, server speed, network conditions, scope, location and device used computers, hardware and software, the level of use and other factors.
  2. Volume-Based Package you will automatically renew every 30 days after subscribing. Residual use of unused quota can not be added to the next 30-day period and will be forfeited upon expiry.
  3. To unsubscribe from the package $ 38 for 30 Days Based volume, please enter * 101 # 612 # from your mobile phone. To unsubscribe from the package $ 88 for 30 Days Based volume, please enter * 101 # 418 # from your mobile phone.
  4. Volume-Based Package $ 88 for 30 days including 2 GB of data usage. For every new registration or renewal Volume-Based Package $ 88 for 30 days in the promotion period, will get a BONUS 2 GB for the use of data (ie: a total of 4GB for 30 days).
  5. Volume-Based Package $ 38 for 30 days, including 500 MB of data usage. For every new registration or renewal Volume-Based Package $ 38 for 30 days in the promotion period, will get BONUS 500 MB for the use of data (ie: a total of 1GB for 30 days). The promotional period until December 31, 2015.
  6. You can sign up for our Buffet Data Package ("Package Buffet") at any time before or after you sign up for Volume Based Package. When you register to:
    1. Data packets Buffet $ 8, $ 28 or $ 78: Consumption of your data usage will be deducted in advance from the quota usage data included in the package earn points which you have already signed up. After the expiry of the Buffet package runs out, consumption data usage will be deducted from the quota unused data usage included in Volume-Based Package (with record validity period has not run out). For example, if you sign up for the package Buffet $ 28 after you sign up for Volume Based Package, your data usage will be deducted from the quota usage data is available from the package Buffet $ 28 during the validity period. After the validity period, Buffet $ 28 package has ended, your data usage will be deducted from the quota unused data from Volume-Based Package (with a record of the validity period has not run out).
    2. Buffet $ 98 Data Package: This package will take effect immediately after registration. The entire ration and the rest of the day lagged from -Package Package Volume-Based Data registered previously will be forfeited.
  7. Other terms and conditions apply. Please contact our customer service hotline on 179 179 or visit our website website: http://e.hkcsl.com/Fil-Indo to store address details of our exclusive distributor, product, service packs, as well as the offer terms and conditions.
ii Terms & Conditions for Package Buffet

  1. Buffet Package $ 8 $ 28 $ 78
    1. The highest speed of uploading and downloading data to 7.2 Mbps. Speeds experienced will actually be less than the theoretical speed obtained on the network and can vary due to the condition of the internet, server speed, network conditions, scope, location and device used computers, hardware and software, the level of use and other factors.
    2. You can subscribe to more than one package, Buffet $ 8, $ 28, $ 78 at the same time. Each package Buffet next one will be activated automatically after the package earn points that previously expired. For example, if you subscribe to Package Buffet $ 78 for 7 days ("Package Buffet $ 78") 4 times, then the $ 78 Buffet Package which will be activated after the second $ 78 Buffet Package which first expired.
    3. 1-Hour package includes 60 minutes of continuous session after you subscribe.
    4. 1-day package including a 24-hour continuous session after you subscribe.
    5. 7-day package includes 168 hours of continuous session after you subscribe.
    6. When you sign on the package, Buffet, Internet access will stop after the allotted time of package earn points that you list is exhausted. (Buffet Package You will not be renewed automatically).
  2. Buffet package $ 98 for 30 days
    1. The highest speed of uploading and downloading of data 384 Kbps. Speeds experienced will actually be less than the theoretical speed obtained on the network and can vary due to the condition of the internet, server speed, network conditions, scope, location and device used computers, hardware and software, the level of use and other factors.
    2. You can not subscribe to more than one package, Buffet $ 98 for 30 days at the same time.
    3. Package Buffet $ 98 for 30 days available during the promotional period from December 12, 2013 until December 31, 2015 (both dates inclusive).
    4. Buffet package $ 98 for 30 days you will be renewed automatically every 30 days after subscribing. To unsubscribe from the package Buffet $ 98 for 30 days, please type * 101 # 420 # from your mobile phone.
  3. Other terms and conditions apply. Please contact our customer service hotline on 179 179 or visit our website: http://e.hkcsl.com/Fil-Indo to store address details of our exclusive distributor, product, service packs, as well as the offer terms and conditions.

iii 4G Package Terms and Conditions
~ Applies for Mobile Data Services:
Once you reach internet 6GB of data usage (fair usage level of monthly per calendar month), you can continue to use the service. However, specifications of the network will be reduced to 128kbps. CSL Mobile Limited adhere OFCA guidelines for Implementation of Fair Use Policy for Service Providers Mobile and Fixed Broadband and at any time does not limit the data network specifications below 128kbps. You will receive an SMS notification when you reach 6GB and Fair Use Policy apply. Speeds experienced will actually much less than the specification and will be influenced by the device used, location, network conditions and other external factors
* 300Mbps is the specification of our network for the downlink 4G LTE-A (with 50Mbps for uplink) is provided through two sections of each of the 20 MHz spectrum continuously, available in a particular location with use of incompatible devices CAT 6. The actual speeds experienced will more reduced than its specifications and will be influenced by the device used, location, network conditions and other external factors. Compared with other network commercial launch is available in Hong Kong on July 31, 2015.
Note: Using the data above is only for reference. Actual usage varies according to the size of the file.

We offer broadband connectivity for wireless high quality at more than 15,000 hotspots in Hong Kong at a retail store grocery, coffee shops, restaurants, shopping malls, MTR station (concourse and platform, except Light Rail), station Airport Express and trains, universities and institutes higher education and public telephone kiosks.
Use devices with Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11b / g / n) in CSL Wi-Fi hotspots to enjoy the fastest wireless broadband connectivity.
Search Hotspot:
Visit www.cslwifi.com> Wi-Fi Hotspot
Steps of use:
  1. Subscribe to one package Internet data we
  2. CSL to Wi-Fi hotspots, and set the Network Name (SSID / ESSID) to "CSL"
  3. Open the internet browser
  4. Type in the URL address and you will be automatically redirected to a login page CSL Wi-Fi
  5. Log in to the service:
    1) Select the "Discover HK Tourist SIM / Prepaid SIM Cards"
    2) Enter your mobile number and Passwords for login;  type * 111 # on your phone and follow the instructions to obtain a password.
  6. Once logged in, a new window will appear offline to stop the connection. Do not close the window of this offline. To stop the session CSL Wi-Fi, just click the "Disconnect".
  7. If inadvertently window "Disconnect" is closed, please visit hotspot.cslwifi.com and click "Disconnect" to logout.
  8. CSL Wi-Fi service provided by Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited subject to the terms and conditions of CSL Wi-Fi service, available in www.cslwifi.com.

Balance Transfer
With the service "Balance Transfer" You can share your Prepaid SIM card credit to friends in Hong Kong are using Prepaid SIM Card "Save".

CountryAimBalance TransferPulse CodePulses are subtracted from the SIM card save (HKD)Example of How to Send
Hong KongFellow SaveHKD 1010$ 10Send HK $ 10 to 61234567. Type: *101*61234567*10#, and yes / ok
HKD 2020$ 20
IndonesiaAxis, Esia, XL (Free, Thumb), Fren Mobile 8, Indosat (Mentari, IM3, Starone),Telkomsel (simPATI, Ace), Flexi, ThreeIndonesia, Cheerful IndonesiaRp 5,000 ^5$ 7Send Rp 20,000 to 08123456789.
Type: *101*628123456789*20#, and yes / ok
Rp 10,00010$ 12
Rp 20,000 i20$ 22
Rp 25,000 ii25$ 27
Rp 50,00050$ 52
MalaysiaCelcom, Digi, MaxisMYR 1010$ 38Send MYR10 to 60123456578. Type: *101*60123456578*10#, and yes / ok
MYR 3030$ 115
The entire new rates will be effective from December 1, 2015.
Terms & Conditions of Balance Transfer
Terms & Conditions of Balance Transfer
^ Promo until March 31st 2016 (USD 5,000 is not available to Telkomsel, Fren Mobile 8) 
i Rp 20,000 is not available for XL, Three Indonesia, Esia, Axis 
ii Rp 25,000 is not available for Ceria Indonesia, Indosat
  1. Minimum account balance stored in Prepaid SIM card you need $ 10 after each Balance Transfer transaction to continue to use the Balance Transfer service.
  2. After Balance Transfer transaction has been received by CSL, a pulse is sent to the recipient and an equivalent amount in HKD will be deducted from your prepaid SIM card. For example, users of prepaid SIM cards save £ 10,000 to divide pulses prepaid SIM card users in Indonesia, HK $ 12 will be deducted from your account save your prepaid SIM card.
  3. You will be charged a service fee of HK $ 0.20 per transaction Balance Transfer.
  4. Balance Transfer prices are subject to change without prior notice.
  5. Please contact our customer service hotline on 179 179 for details on our latest price Balance Transfer, store address, product, service packs, as well as offers Terms and Conditions.
Terms and Conditions of Share-a-Load:
^ Promotion period until 31 March 2016 (Rp. 5,000 is not available for Telkomsel, Fren Mobile 8)
i Rp 20,000 is not available for Indosat, XL, Three Indonesia, Esia
ii Rp 25,000 is not available for Ceria Indonesia
  1. You need to maintain a minimum stored-value balance of $10 on your Prepaid SIM card after the Share-A-Load transaction.
  2. Once the Share-a-Load transaction has been accepted by CSL, the load will be shared to the recipient and the equivalent amount in HKD will be deducted from your Prepaid SIM card. For example, Ceria prepaid SIM card user shares IDR 10,000 to Indonesian Prepaid SIM user, HKD 12 will be deducted from the Ceria prepaid SIM card account.
  3. You will be charged a service fee of HK$0.20 per Share-a-Load transaction.
  4. The Share-a-Load rates will be adjusted without prior notice.
  5. Please contact our customer service hotline on 179179 for details on our latest Share-a-load rates, shop addresses, products, service plans, offers and Terms and Conditions.

Latest Promo
30% Reload Bonus
Get a bonus of up to $ 30 each Refill
RefillableReload BonusTotal Value Refill
$ 20$ 6$ 26
$ 50$ 15$ 65
$ 100$ 30$ 130

Terms and Conditions of 30% Reload Bonus
  1. Offers 30% Reload Bonus applies only to subscribers of prepaid SIM cards save ("Efficient Customer") a successful recharge until March 31, 2016 (this date included).
  2. 30% Reload Bonus will be credited to a number of pulses so customers successful Customer Save recharge pulse in accordance with the denomination in the table above. Example: When customers save recharge voucher $ 20, then he will receive a total of rechargeable $ 26 ($ 20 plus the amount of $ 6 Reload bonus value).
  3. Entire denominations Refill Bonus valid for 30 days from the date of the bonus credited to the customer save.
  4. All Reload Bonus can not be exchanged for cash, products, services or other offers.
  5. CSL Mobile Limited reserves the right to discontinue or change the offer and / or these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior pemberitauan. In case of dispute, the decision is limited CSL Mobile absolute.
  6. In the case of any inconsistency or conflict between the English version by Indonesia of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.

Terms and Conditions of 30% Recharge Bonus
  1. 30% Recharge Bonus is only offered to Hemat Prepaid SIM Card subscribers (“Hemat Customers”) who successfully recharge their accounts until 31 March 2016 (this date inclusive).
  2. The 30% Recharge Bonus will be credited to the Hemat Customer’s account once customer has successfully recharged his/her account with the respective Voucher denomination shown in the table above. Example: If a Hemat Customer recharges his account with a $20 voucher, he will get a total of $26 stored-value ($20 top up value plus $6 bonus value).
  3. All Recharge Bonus denominations will be valid for 30 days from the date of crediting to the Hemat Customer's account.
  4. All Recharge Bonuses cannot be exchanged for cash, products, services or other offers.
  5. CSL Mobile Limited reserves the right to terminate or change the offer and/or these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event of disputes, the decision of CSL Mobile Limited shall be final.
  6. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Indonesian versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.

How to Refill
• By Code: Type* 109 * Voucher Code #then YES / OK, or
• Through Hotline: Contact171 111from your mobile phone and follow the guidelines.
Pulse stored value balance and expiry date will be notified.
• To check balance: Type* 109 #then YES / OK.
Refill Voucher 
Prepaid SIM cards save
Validity period
$ 2030 days
$ 50 or $ 10090 days
SIM card validity period will be extended in accordance with the amount of provisions Refill Voucher Prepaid SIM Card.

24-Hour Customer Service Hotline: 179 179
Exclusive distributor: Mobile Phone Direct Selling Centre
Store Address:
1.Shop 21A & 21B, Lok Shing Centre, 2-8 Sugar Street, Causeway Bay
2.Shop H1, No. 4-6 Dung Fat Street, Carson Mansion, Tsuen Wan
3.Shop B, G / F, Grand View Commercial Centre, 29-31 Sugar Street, Causeway Bay.


Kumusta Ka Prepaid SIM 儲值卡


7-Connect 本地八達通儲值通話卡 (7-Eleven)


上網通 - 電話卡


